Art Talk #3

Art Talk is a series of presentations and discussions by a diverse group of art practitioners including artists, curators, art professionals, festival organizers, urban developers and scholars. Art Talk #3 invites Syaiful Garibaldi (a.k.a Tepu) who is currently taking part in an artist-in-residence program in Siheung, Korea that specializes in community engaging and development projects through art, bio and culture. Syaiful will discuss about his experience in a new place, association with a new group of people and his artistic outcome from the program. The Talk also include an introduction to the various residency programs across Korea, giving useful tips on where and when to apply.



JULY 10, 2015
04 PM – 06 PM



Knowing Your Neighbourhood : My Residency in a City Community in Siheung Korea 

Syaiful Aulia Garibaldi (Artist)

Introduction and Practical Tips on Artist-In-Residence Programs in Korea

Jeong-ok Jeon (Director, ARCOLABS Surya University)

For more info, please contact:
Hilmi Fabeta 0856 896 1819
Dewi Pusfita 0856 1066 722

* This program is generously supported by Korean Cultural Center Indonesia and Lawangwangi Creative Space.



 SyaifulAulia Garibaldi (Artist)

Knowing Your Neighborhood : My Residency in a City Community in Siheung, Korea
Knowing Your Neighborhood : Residensi Saya dalam Sebuah Komunitas di Siheung, Korea

Knowing Your Neighbourhood is a project to recognize who is actually our neighbor and what is around us. I try to communicate with them in a one month residency period. I started with identifying the smallest being that I found and analyzed it through a hand-made microscope, and later moved on to larger beings such as insects and plants. Afterwards I also tried to interact and get to know the people around me.

Knowing Your Neighbourhood adalah project untuk mengetahui siapa sebenarnya tetangga kita dan apa saja yang ada disekitar. Saya berupaya untuk berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya dalam waktu satu bulan residensi. Saya memulai dengan mengidentifikasi makhluk terkecil yang saya temui dan mengamatinya melalui mikroskop buatan dan kemudian ke makhluk yang lebih besar seperti serangga, tumbuhan. Setelah itu saya mencoba berinteraksi dan mengenal dengan orang orang sekitar.

Jeong-ok Jeon

(Director, ARCOLABS Surya University)

Introduction and Practical Tips on Artist-In-Residence Programs in Korea

Pengenalan dan Tips Praktis mengenai Program Residensi Seniman di Korea

The artist-in-residence programs in Korea first appeared during the Asian economic crisis in the late 1990s with the aim of supporting local artists by providing free studio space. Through the last 15 years of development and acheivement of the Korean residency programs, in terms of its great numbers of new operating institutions and the distinctiveness of each program, the artist-in-residence program in Korea has become an opportunity for an artist to meet new fellow artist friends from all over the world, to be exposed to international curators and art exhibitors, and  to networkwith the local communities.

In this art talk, I will introduce several artist residency programs, located in different cities in Korea, which offer international residencies. I will focus on the details of the programs and the application process to help Indonesian artists who are looking for a new challenge .

Program residensi seniman di Korea pertama kali diadakan pada masa krisis Asia di akhir tahun 90an yang bertujuan mendukung seniman lokal dengan memberikan ruang studio gratis bagi mereka. Dalam 15 tahun perkembangan dan pencapaian program residensi di Korea, dalam artian pesatnya pertambahan jumlah institusi yang beroperasi dan keragaman tiapprogramnya, program residensi di Korea telah menjadi sebuah kesempatan bagi seniman untuk bertemu teman seniman lain dari seluruh dunia, dan memperkenalkan mereka pada kurator dan penyelenggara pameran skala internasional dan menjalin hubungan dengan komunitas setempat.

Dalam bincang seni ini, saya akan memperkenalkan beberapa program residensi seniman yang bertempat di berbagai kota di Korea yang menawarkan residensi internasional. Saya akan memfokuskan bahasan pada detil program dan proses pendaftaran untuk membantu seniman Indonesia yang sedang mencari tantangan yang baru dalam berkarya.

About Art Talk Series / Tentang Bincang Seni

Art Talk is a series of presentations and discussions by a diverse group of art practitioners including artists, curators, art professionals, festival organizers, urban planners and scholars. This series is designed to provide not only an insight into a particular form of art, but also a variety of perspectives held by the participants. The first series held in 2014 examined the realm of comics focusing on its development, explorations and cultural connections throughout Asia, the second theme concerns contemporary art within the context and system of curated exhibitions, and thethird topic is about artist-in-residence programs in Korea.

Bincang Seni adalah serangkaian presentasi dan diskusi oleh berbagai kelompok praktisi seni termasuk seniman, kurator, pekerja seni komersil, penyelenggara festival, pengembang perkotaan dan kaum intelektual. Seri ini dirancang untuk memberikan tidak hanya wawasan akan bentuk seni tertentu, tetapi juga beragam perspektif yang dimiliki oleh para peserta. Rangkaian Bincang Seni pertama diadakan pada tahun 2014 mencermati dunia komik yang bertitik berat pada pengembangan, eksplorasi dan koneksi budaya komik di seluruh Asia. Tema kedua berkisar pada seni kontemporer dalam konteks dan sistem pameran terkurasi, dan topik ketiga mengenai program residensi seniman di Korea.

About Art Talk Series 3 – Artist-in-Residence Program

Tentang Bincang Seni Ketiga – Program Residensi Seniman

An artist’s creative activity no longer  flourishes solely in his own studio or his own area. As in a nomadic life, an artistic life is open to the world, encountering a new culture as an inspiration that leads to unique experimentations. In this respect, residency programs that make it possible to ‘exchange’ and ‘communicate’ between the artists of different backgrounds becomes an important opportunity for young artists, and also a necessary process of socialization. Through the experience of artist and curator, Art Talk #3 will provide young Indonesian artists with useful information on the various international residency programs offered in South Korea, a country putting an effort into rediscovery of the value of Asia and the exchanges between Asian countries.

Aktivitas kreatif seniman kini tidak lagi berkembang di dalam studio atau kawasannya sendiri.seperti halnya kehidupan nomaden, kehidupan artistik terbuka kepada dunia, bertemu dengan budaya yang baru sebagai inspirasi yang mengantar kepada eksperimentasi yang unik. Dalam cara pandang inilah maka program residensi yang memungkinkan adanya “pertukaran” dan “komunikasi” antar seniman dari latar yang berbeda menjadi kesempatan dan proses sosialisasi yang baik bagi seniman muda. Melalui pengalaman dari seniman dan kurator, Bincang Seni #3 akan memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat bagi seniman muda di Indonesia mengenai berbagai program residensi internasional yang ditawarkan oleh Korea Selatan, sebuah negara yang sedang berusaha menemukan kembali nilai-nilai Asia dan pertukaran antara negara-negara Asia,