Imagination takes you everywhere and that is why it’s important for anyone in the creative fields to keep their imaginative minds alive. In our fifth #SPEKTRUMArtExhibition, we invite eight student-artists and five featuring artists from six universities in Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, and Bangkok to showcase their playful explorations in the field of art and design.
Opening ceremony and artist talk:
Monday, 12 August 2019
11:00 – 15:00
Memory by Arphanuch Janphaetrak

Drawing on paper 21 x 29.7 cm
He created this work to cherish the memory of his departed dog based from the experience of petting her and having an affection. The visual represents my imagination of the dog with strange appearance because of her disease which results in unusual gestures and smell.
Dystopia-Utopia-Pongo by Siti Nurmalena.

“Dystopia” pongo is at the end of path of destruction. This condition is avoided in imagination realm, which Pongo is truly in a very bad, injured and apprehensive condition due to the dirty hands of humans.
Mini Colony Set by Arpharat Visedsinthop

25 x 25 cm
Organisms that you can’t see with your eyes.
Serat Pama by Gustafin Bayu Aji

Drawing on paper
42 x 40 cm
Avoiding failure is something we always learn in our lives, much contributed by our education system that makes us forget the true fiber of ourselves.
Inti Imaji by Jonathan Christhenta

Digital print on paper
29.7 x 42 cm
This work comes from the uniqueness of human mindset. Starting from anxiety of many disputes problems, a problem occurs because one’s thought and action is different.
Think & Act by Nixon Pratama

Digital print on art carton
42 x 29.7 cm
This work inspired by human’s thought and action to achieve something. Artist wants to suggest that no matter what kind of thought, we really need to pour it out and combine it with action in order to get achievement.
Titik Temu by Randhi Yanuar

Print on photo paper
42 x 29.7 cm
Each person has a different perspective based on their own experience. This work shows spectrum of imagination from the artist about his view on surroundings captured in a frame.
Capitalism by Sean Tan Jian Zhi Digital

Are we trapped by the culture that we created ? Because of this reason I decided to create a project titled ‘’Capitalism”. I have chosen graphic designer as my profession to realise a positive change in a world of materialism and consumerism.
We are who we are, aren’t we ? by Bibi Chew

Digital print on paper,
29.7 x 21 cm
The results of the ‘facial gestures’ and/or ‘facial expression’ will be imprinted. The imprinted or embossed facial image blurred the boundaries of identity, suggesting the basic human nature and being. We are who we are.
Project Progress and Workshop