In response to the emerging field of new media art scene in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, ARCOLABS and HONF FOUNDATION launched XPLORE: New Media Art Incubation, a program designed to support today’s generation of artists by equipping them with the skills and networks needed to contribute solutions to current and future challenges.
Three artists presenting in this showcase were selected from a competitive open call in April, invited to a series of theoretical workshops in Jakarta that followed FabCamp and mini residency in Yogyakarta. In the course of workshops held within two months, the artists did not just participate in discussions and hands-on practices, but also directly experienced local art and culture scenes as well as nature as their artistic inspirations.
This year’s exhibition showcases outcomes of each artist who has explored various topics from city life to art education through interactive installations and participatory artworks. This inaugural program hopes to present ways to bring changes into the society and create social impact through new media artworks and artistic practices. Hopefully this exhibition can expose audience to the boundless artistic expressions that emerge from the integration of art, science and digital technology.
Chalida Asawakanjanakit
Mira Rizki Kurnia
Muhamad Hafiz
Dhoni Yudhanto
Eka Djayani Ayuningtyas
Irene Agrivine
Jeong-ok Jeon
Nin Djani
Ratna Djuwita
Yudianto Asmoro
Marko Kosnik
HONF Space
JL. Langenastran No. 16, Yogyakarta
Incubation in ARCOLABS, Jakarta
First Meeting and Workhops on June 2-3, 2018
Fabcamp Proposal Submission by June 23, 2018
Incubation in HONF Space, Yogyakarta
Fabcamp Workshops on July 7-8, 2018
Idea generation and production july 9-11, 2018
Showcase preparation on July 12, 2018
Showcase in HONF Space, Yogyakarta
on 13 – 26 July, 2018
Monday – Friday 13.00 – 18.00
Free and Open for Public
First Meeting and Workshop in Jakarta